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Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 8 (Site brought live)

WordPress Site Brought Live, SEO Plugins Activated & Set Up, Styling

  1. Deactivated the Coming Soon plugin.
  2. Set ROBOTS.TXT to allow search engine indexing (ie: Unchecked “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” in settings.)
  3. Activated Yoast SEO plugin.
  4. Set XML sitemap to not index Cancelled Transaction, Checkout, and Thank You pages. (Really? This setting page could not be found in the plugin’s administration area a few days later!)
  5. Added site to Google Webmaster Tools. Uploaded verification file, verified & submitted Yoast-generated XML sitemaps.
  6. Activated statistics plugin on Ancient Greek Keyboard.
  7. Edited styles to center text on 404 Error pages.
  8. Edited styles to change button color to navy.
  9. Within 3-4 hours of adding the site to Webmaster tools, 5 pages had already appeared on Google’s search engine.
  10. Added meta descriptions to a few indexed pages.

Other posts in this series:

  1. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 1
  2. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 2
  3. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 3
  4. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 4
  5. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 5
  6. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 6
  7. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 7
  8. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Day 8: (Site brought live)
  9. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Week 2
  10. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Week 3
  11. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Week 4
  12. Week 5: Speed optimization tests
  13. Manual eCommerce Site Setup On SiteGround: Week 6
  14. How to convert a non-WWW WordPress site to WWW
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